Our Group Members:
  • Yuelei LI
  • Jiawei HU
  • Heming YANG
  • Mo WANG
  • Tingting WU
  • Xiaojun XIAO
  • Sam HO

Firstly, the Ferrari model needed to be imported into a program called - 3D Make, which can divide the model into waffle pieces and ready to be put together to make the template.

After that, Nine generated files have been cut by laser cutter.

waffled car detail

The next step is putting the waffle pieces together, there was a tricky problem that we met, the gaps between each piece were too tiny, so hammer needed to be used to make the model tighter and stronger.


Then next, large piece of masking tape has been applied onto the model, which makes the shape and surface a lot smoother and easier to be divided into 7 parts.

To get a correct shape of the part that I was doing, basically, all that I needed to do were just 2 steps:
Trace & Cut
use an extra paper to trace around the targeted part on taped car model, and cut it by scissors, and then trace it again on the metal piece, then cut it with the metal cutter.

After cutting the metal piece, Hammer was used to gently shape the edges that needed to be curved. After comparing with the car model, when you feel it was about right, just put the metal piece onto the car then gently use the hammer to shape it on the car template to make it fit more properly. English wheel was used to make the surface smoother, but after the metal got smashed too many times, it became softer, so English Wheel might bent the curve and edges a bit. Just remember, you will have to adjust it after using the English Wheel.

When it comes to the group work, it is always about cooperating with each other, so every time we made a progress, we always try to put it together to make sure all of our parts work perfectly with each other.

Polishing, again, I used Brasso Metal Polish to do it.
Firstly, you will need to put the liquid on a cloth and wipe it all around the bowl, and after, use another clean piece of cloth to wipe it out. 
The comparison was fairly obvious before and after.

After polishing all the parts, we installed them together and put them on top of the waffled car model,
all the parts seem fit perfectly. 


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